A Journey Toward Optimal Health

The youngest son hero of Boots Who Ate a Match...

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My youngest son was a picky eater as a child. I felt so inadequate at times being a single mom and broke. I did everything I could to feed my kids right. I took advantage of every program available to me that would put food on the table for my children. But no matter what I tried, I just could hardly ever get him to eat.

As I found things that he liked I made sure that was a part of his diet often. This helped some, but he was tiny and the doctor and I were worried. One night, I’ll never forget… I made spaghetti for the fist time in a long time. He must have been starving and really liked it because at the age of 4 he ate 4 plates of it! HE WANTED MORE! I looked at his belly and I thought it was going to burst! Something in that spaghetti worked. To this day, I don’t know why he chose that.

I tried everything with this kid. Finally I was able to “hide” enough nutrients in the things that he did like to get him healthy and he grew up to be a healthy strong man. Then he had a son.

I don’t know if it’s something in the genes or what… but I bet you can guess. Yup… same exact thing. My grand son is 6 years old and tiny. We are a bit concerned about his eating habits. Oh he has no problem eating sweets! Not at all. It’s anything nutritious that you put in front of him that he seems to reject. So I just found out that the program I’m on for weight loss can actually benefit kids like this as well! The meal replacement (some of which taste like candy bars ,milkshakes and cheese puffs) can be given to kids as healthy snacks! They are packed with protein and vitamins that will sustain a positive and even energy in kids instead of giving them a spike in their insulin levels, hyping them out and making them crash hard and causing them to be cranky!

I’m so excited to have found this out and definitely will be getting with Mom and Dad to try it with him. Stay tuned for the update!

Film poster for Miracle (film) - Copyright 200...

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So now what? God showed me who I was in His eyes. But when I looked in the mirror, well it didn’t match! What I did have , was a new hope. So I began to work on things.

I weighed an enormous 308 pounds! How did I get here? Years of depression and emotional eating. Several neck, back and joint injuries. Extreme emotional pain that led me into comfort eating. What a mess! How am I ever going to get to the picture God just gave me of who He sees me as? So many things yet to overcome.

The journey began! So, in between that February morning and now, life has been a roller coaster ride to say the least. But finally, just within the past few months my husband and I have seen a light at the end of the tunnel. We are finally planting some roots and feeling like things are on a stable and secure path.

18 months ago I came across a terrific site online that helped me to begin exercising at a very slow but steady pace. It allowed me to count calories and had ways of motivating me to stay on track. I did well with it for a while and managed to take off 45 pounds in 5 months. Then the roller coaster started up again. I was forced into getting a full-time job so that we could make ends meet.

The job I took was very stressful and did not allow a proper break or way of eating that could be healthy. I gained 22 pounds back within the next 8 months! I suffered yet one more injury ( this time at work) and was in chronic pain. I was getting all kinds of horrible treatment from the company I was working for and by the end of my doctors visits found myself out of a job.

Then toward the end of this horrible adventure a MIRACLE happened. I met with some people from the Healing Rooms ministries and they prayed for me. My entire skeletal system was completely healed! No more pain AT ALL! I had been in chronic pain since my first back injury at the age of 12! That was 35 years of pain. NOW COMPLETELY GONE! I knew I had to lose the weight now. Quickly, so that I would not re-injure myself.

So, now let’s go  to six weeks ago. My wonderful sister had been watching some friends of hers lose weight. There was one couple that was making a lot of money in the process too. So, my sister after 8 months or so of watching decided to find out more and give it a try. Well, within 3 days her depression left her, her energy level was flying, and her weight was down by like 8 pounds! Then within 3 weeks she had lost 20 pounds.  People were starting to ask her what it was that she was doing. She became a walking billboard and decided to get into business for herself.

I became her first customer! I mean it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that she was on to something here! So I too became a client and a Health Coach. That couldn’t have come at a better time as I now needed a job. Now 3 weeks later, I have lost 18.2 pounds (today was my 3 week weigh in) . I’ve never felt healthier, had more energy or had an easier time losing weight. I’m on my way to being  healthier financially, physically and mentally through the most exciting and encouraging and supportive program that I have ever experienced.

I no longer have doubts about how I’m going to get there. It’s coming to me. And quickly!

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglica...

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After many requests to follow me on my journey toward optimal health I decided to begin this blog.

I’m not going to go into my past as it is a very depressing one. Instead I’m going to tell you of a journey that began on Feb 1 2008 after many years of depression. I was awakened by a voice telling me that I would be given a gift equal to double of that which I have suffered in my life. You see, I know what I went through better than anyone, so this promise woke me out of an oppressive and very dark sleep.

I’m not going to say things have been easy since then, but they certainly have been interesting.

I began this journey at the weight of 308 pounds. That was my record heaviest. I had pretty much given up on myself.

I’m a lady who believes in Jesus, probably more than anyone else I know. So, that day, I knew He heard my prayers. I knew He loved me and I knew I was in for some change!

Throughout 2008 I was brought through a series of events that spiritually healed me. I became a different (in a good way) person. I found my identity in Christ and was finally able to move forward with my life.