A Journey Toward Optimal Health

Posts tagged ‘Calorie’

Most Satisfying 22 Calorie Meal I’ve Ever Had

A couple of months ago I found out about Miracle Noodles. Otherwise known as Shirataki Noodles. My sister ordered some and let me try them They are noodles made from Konnyadku (Glucomannan) and Calcium Hydroxide. They come in several different shapes and sizes. They are organic. They are ZERO calories! ZERO sugars and Zero Sodium. And frankly I think they are as satisfying as any other noodle! So you know what I just did? I added them to 1 1/2 cups of healthy chicken broth and had me a 22 calorie meal that filled me to the brim. I mean this was a big bowl of food! And Totally satisfying!

From where I come from that is a WIN, WIN!

You can add meat and vegetables and still keep it below a hundred calories! How many healthy filling meals can you find out there for under 100 calories? I know this is a first for me! I’m so excited about how satisfied I am after eating this that I just had to share!  I LOVE THESE NOODLES!

10 Quirky Tips To Help With Weight Loss


Image via Wikipedia

1. Eat on a BLUE plate and with a BLUE place mat.  Color is powerful. Blue suppresses appetite. Red and yellow increase appetite.

2. Drinking ice water instead of room temperature water actually burns 9.4 more calories per glass!  If you are consuming a healthy 8-8oz glasses a day that adds up to 74 calories per day and a whopping 7.7 pounds per week!

3. Sit on an exercise ball instead of a desk chair while at your computer. The isometric movements you make if you sit there for minutes or even hours a day will work your core and quickly slim your waistline!

4. Drink a glass of water 5 minutes before eating a meal. It will cause you to eat far less plus it helps with your daily water intake.

5. Breakfast. Eat a substantial one. 400-600 healthy calories. That means lean meat, eggs (or preferably egg whites) and vegetables. Not high fat or high sugar foods. This will sustain your energy level throughout the day and you won’t be as likely to do a lot of unhealthy snacking.

6. Eat 6 times a day. Small low glycemic meals. This stabilizes your blood sugar and insulin levels causing you to have no hunger and no cravings, sleep better and have tons of energy.

7. Instead of coffee in the afternoon eat a combination of low fat meat and low glycemic vegetables. This will give you an energy boost like no other. You can rock your world and get many “brownie” points with the boss by implementing this strategy because everyone else will be going through their afternoon slump and you will be actually getting things done!

8. Walk to a different floor at work using the stairs to use the bathroom 3-4 times a day. You would be surprised at the amount of calories you can burn in a week by doing this. Also, you get to see people you don’t normally see. It’s a win-win.

9. Park further away from the building. You will notice your energy level increase within a few days if you do this.

10. Get online before going out. Find out what the menu is and plan ahead or even call ahead to eat the way you need to when you get there. You will find this to enable you to be stronger and not make emotional eating choices or be influenced by your peers and what they are ordering.

Change your habits and implement these simple things one at a time. Even if it’s taking one at a time for 10 weeks. After the 12 week you will notice… and so will others. Then pay it forward when they start asking. Let them know what you have been doing. Start a group or network of people doing these things. How popular you will be when they start seeing the results themselves!