A Journey Toward Optimal Health

Archive for the ‘Healthy Eating’ Category

Carb Free Breakfast Wrap

Turkey bacon cooking in skillet

Image via Wikipedia

Okay… you know those Power Wraps I posted the other day? Well guess what we did with them? We made ourselves breakfast that taste like we were at a fast food joint! Problem is… it’s hard to feel guilty when you know you are eating healthy!

So here is what you do…

Take 3 slices of turkey bacon and cut them in half. Cook them in a skillet until lightly browned.

Warm up 2 Power Wraps in your microwave on power 8 for 20 seconds. Top each wrap with a slice of Fat Free American Cheese.

Then lay 3 strips of the turkey bacon (that should be half of it) on the cheese.

Take 1 cup of egg beaters and scramble it in a sprayed skillet and top the bacon with it when done.

Wrap them up and eat!

This make 2 servings. Each serving has 193 calories, 19 grams of protein, 2 g carbs, 5 g fat of which .75 g is sat fat 0g trans fat, 3 g monounsaturated fat, and 5,143 lignan antioxidants, 385 g sodium

Power Wraps

A stainless steel frying pan.

Image via Wikipedia

I have to say that these are an awesome and extremely healthy alternative to tortillas. My husband and I both love them. YUMMY!

Like tortillas but with ZERO carbs!

You will need:

Cooking Spray

1 1/3 cup Bob’s Red Mill Isolated Soy Protein Powder

6 Tbsp Bob’s Red Mill Whole Ground Flaxseed Meal

1 tsp Onion and Herb Mrs. Dash

1/2 tsp NOW Foods Stevia Liquid Extract

2 cups liquid egg whites

1 2/3 cup water

In a medium mixing bowl combine all ingredients and stir to get lumps out.  Spray a large (preferably stainless steel) skillet with cooking spray. Spray both sides of metal spatula with cooking spray. Heat skillet on medium heat for just under 1 minute. Use a 1/4 cup measuring cup to spoon out 1/4 cup of batter and place it in skillet. Use a rubber spatula or back of a spoon to spread batter out into an 8″ circle. This will need to be done somewhat slowly as not to rip the tortilla wrap. Cook on first side 60-90 seconds and then flip to other side.  Cook an additional 45-60 seconds and remove from skillet. You can freeze the leftovers and use later!

This makes 14  servings. Each serving has 70 calories, 12 grams of protein, 0 g carbs, 3 g monounsaturated fat, and 5,143 lignan antioxidants.

Nana’s Super Healthy Power Packed Vanilla Pancakes

A diet rich in soy and whey protein, found in ...

Image via Wikipedia

Do you want to start choosing healthier low-fat, low carb, high nutrient foods to get your family healthy? Well you have come to the right place! These pancakes are packed with proteins and nutrients that our bodies crave.

You can freeze the extras and heat anytime for an easy on the go meal too! Put some peanut butter and a banana on one and roll it up for a wonderful filling meal or high energy snack before hitting the gym!

You will need

Cooking Spray

1 cup of <a title=”Soy Protein Powder” href=”Bob’s Red Mill Isolated Soy Protein Powder, 14-Ounce Packages (Pack of 4)""” target=”_blank”>Soy Protein Powder

1 teaspoon <a title=”Aluminum-free Baking Powder” href=”Bob’s Red Mill Aluminum Free Baking Soda — 16 oz""” target=”_blank”>baking powder

4 Tbsp <a title=”Sugar-free French Vanilla Coffee Syrup” href=”Da Vinci Gourmet Sugar Free French Vanilla Syrup Plastic Bottle 25.4oz""” target=”_blank”>Sugar Free French Vanilla Coffee Syrup (or you can use 1/4 tsp<a title=”Stevia Extract” href=”NOW Foods Stevia Liquid Extract Alcohol, 8 Ounce Bottle""” target=”_blank”> Stevia extract and 1/2 tsp vanilla extract)

2 egg whites

1 cup original flavored Silk Soy Milk

1/4 cup water

2 Tbsp <a title=”Milled Flax Seed” href=”Bob’s Red Mill Organic Flaxseed Meal, 16-Ounce Packages (Pack of 4)""” target=”_blank”>milled flax-seed

Combine the protein powder, baking powder and milled flax-seed. Add the sugar-free coffee syrup, egg whites, soy milk, water. Mix batter well.

Mist the tip of a spatula and the inside of a 1/4 cup measuring cup with cooking spray. Heat griddle to 400 degrees. Spray griddle with cooking spray just before putting batter on it. Scoop up 1/4 cup batter using sprayed measuring cup and pour onto griddle. Use the back of a spoon sprayed with cooking oil (or a sprayed spatula) to quickly spread out batter till it makes a 6-7″ diameter pancake. Cook pancake until slightly golden brown on bottom side then flip with sprayed spatula. Second side will cook faster than the first side did. Remove from griddle. Top with 2 Tbsp. sugar-free maple syrup and enjoy!

Per 1 pancake serving (including syrup)

78 calories, 15 g protein, 2 g carbs , 0 g fats


Nana’s Kahlua Chocolate Mega Power Muffins

A chocolate fountain in Brussels

Image via Wikipedia

Nana’s Kahlua Chocolate Mega Power Muffins

This recipes definitely satisfies the need for chocolate! Put some fat-free cream cheese sweetened with a little Splenda or stevia, some peanut butter or a dab of  fat-free sugar-free chocolate or butterscotch pudding on top for a real special treat! Try them with your kids next time you want to make them a healthy alternative to chocolate cup cakes!

3 cups <a title=”Soy Protein Powder” href=”Bob’s Red Mill Isolated Soy Protein Powder, 14-Ounce Packages (Pack of 4)""“>soy protein powder

3/4 cup <a title=”Hershey’s Natural Unsweetened Cocoa” href=”Hershey’s Cocoa, Natural Unsweetened, 8-Ounce Cans (Pack of 6)""“>Hersey’s Natural unsweetened cocoa

3/4 cup <a title=”Milled Flax Seed” href=”Bob’s Red Mill Organic Flaxseed Meal, 16-Ounce Packages (Pack of 4)""” target=”_blank”>milled flax-seed

1 1/4 cup <a title="Sugar-free Kahlua Coffee Syrup” href=”DaVinci Gourmet Classic Sugar Free Syrup, Kahlua, 25.4-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 3)""” target=”_blank”>sugar-free Kahlua Coffee syrup

6 tsp <a title=”Aluminum-free Baking Powder” href=”Bob’s Red Mill Aluminum Free Baking Soda — 16 oz""” target=”_blank”>aluminum free baking powder

1 1/4 cup water

1 1/2 cups liquid egg whites

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray muffin tin. In large mixing bowl add all ingredients and mix well. Fill each muffin cup to just below the top and bake for 20 minutes. Makes 12 muffins. Each muffin (without any extras topping it off ) has 111 calories, 1 g carb, 18 g protein, 5 g fiber, 2 g monounsaturated fat, (8,000 epicatechin & 12,000 Omega-3 lignan antioxidants)

These muffins are delightful. My husband loves them. They remind me of chocolate pudding cake. Enjoy!

Healthy Tuna Salad (via my sister)

Cross section of celery stalk, showing vascula...

Image via Wikipedia

Tuna Macaroni Salad


1 5 oz can white albacore tuna packed in water

1 stalk of celery

2 green onions

One package of ditalini style miracle noodles*

½ of a hard boiled egg

1 T shredded fat free cheddar cheese

2 T fat free mayonnaise

1 t brown mustard

Pepper to taste

Prepare noodles according to directions on package (choose the boil method not the dry roast method) and pat them dry.

Mix all ingredients.  Chill if desired (flavor will be better if you refrigerate for about 1 hour).

Enjoy this alone or serve on lettuce.

How Healthy Are You? An Assessment

MyPyramid -- Steps to a Healthier You

Image via Wikipedia

This quiz is very eye-opening. Sometimes we think we are healthier than we really are. Even though we may be healthy in some areas of our lives, most people have 1 or more area that really sets them back. This assessment will allow you to better analyze your current situation and help you determine the areas that you need to work on to create optimal health for yourself.

Pass this along to others. Don’t be shy about it. Let’s all step in together to make America healthy!

Click here to take the assessment.

Click here to submit a client profile and have a health coach contact you

Most Satisfying 22 Calorie Meal I’ve Ever Had

A couple of months ago I found out about Miracle Noodles. Otherwise known as Shirataki Noodles. My sister ordered some and let me try them They are noodles made from Konnyadku (Glucomannan) and Calcium Hydroxide. They come in several different shapes and sizes. They are organic. They are ZERO calories! ZERO sugars and Zero Sodium. And frankly I think they are as satisfying as any other noodle! So you know what I just did? I added them to 1 1/2 cups of healthy chicken broth and had me a 22 calorie meal that filled me to the brim. I mean this was a big bowl of food! And Totally satisfying!

From where I come from that is a WIN, WIN!

You can add meat and vegetables and still keep it below a hundred calories! How many healthy filling meals can you find out there for under 100 calories? I know this is a first for me! I’m so excited about how satisfied I am after eating this that I just had to share!  I LOVE THESE NOODLES!

The Poor Health Of Our Over The Road Truck Drivers

US truck - California 2007

Image via Wikipedia

This subject has been disturbing to me for years. In 1992 I became a bus driver for Greyhound. I’m not comparing the two, but it gave me a good look at the lifestyle of driving a truck for a living. Then just 2 years ago my husband and I both tried the field ourselves. We didn’t make it through the school, but it gave us a whole new respect for those out there living this lifestyle!

Think about it. Have you ever been to a <a class=”zem_slink” title=”Truck stop” href=”Trucking Information” rel=”wikipedia” target=”_blank”>truck stop? What kind of food do they serve there? I know recently the truck stops have been a little more health conscious then previously, but the majority served is still grease laden pizza and fried foods! So because of the low energy diet they consume, they are forced to load up on caffeine and other stimulants to be able to get through their 11 hours shifts without falling asleep! And these people only get home for a home cooked meal every few days or weeks sometimes!

The people behind the wheel of those <a class=”zem_slink” title=”Semi-trailer truck” href=”Trucking Information” rel=”wikipedia” target=”_blank”>big rigs are the most likely people to suffer heart problems and diabetes just because of the occupation they have chosen!

I want so much to let every one of them know that I HAVE AN ANSWER! I mean do you ever get to the point where you just want to save the world from one problem at a time?These are clinically proven nutritionally balanced and complete meal replacements that actually keep your insulin from peeking and your blood sugar from dropping, thereby creating an even flow of energy without cravings or hunger! They are easy to prepare and can actually allow the driver to stay on the road more without have to stop for something to eat! These balance with a healthy low-fat lean meat option and vegetable choice once a day and plenty of water, can make for a healthier, thinner and more naturally energetic driver!

Well here is a shot at bringing health to those strong enough and brave enough to handle that job. I write this with love and respect for what you do and an earnest heart-felt desire to help! If you know of anyone in this situation, please pass this on to them. Together, let’s get America healthy.I mean I wouldn’t want to be the one driving the car next to that big rig when the driver is having a heart attack… would you?

Blessings to all of you… and thank you for what you do!

Is Childhood Obesity An Epidemic?

self-made picture of child who weighs somewher...

Image via Wikipedia

If you think about where we came from in America, I think you will see that there is a reason for the problem of childhood obesity rising. Let me point out a few things as to why.

First of all, back in the day…  before World War II, children worked from the time they walked. Families thought the more children the better because that is the way the farms ran, business ran, and America ran! I’m not voting as whether or not this was “right” or “wrong,” I’m just saying it is the way things were!

Then came the war. Women went to the workplace and men to war. Older children were left to mind the younger ones. Still working. And games and toys and playtime all took place outside! Radio was the hottest thing out there, and the family would gather ’round it every evening for some quality family time.

Automobiles were introduced, and walking places was no longer the norm.

Then the depression hit. Whoever could work… did. Whatever food was available was eaten. Playtime was still outdoors.

Then came TV! Well, with it came time sitting in front of it! Some of this was quality time and some not so much. But as the number of shows increased, so did the sitting time in front of it.

Then came women’s liberation. With that came a lot less cooking time in the kitchen. Enter convenient, pre-packaged foods! Still, there was playtime outside. But have a child do anything other than play and watch TV was unheard of at this point. Suddenly, children became more of a burden than a blessing.

Then with the baby boomer generation came the latch-key generation, and shortly after it was no longer safe to allow children outside unsupervised! More and more processed foods became available, and more and more illnesses along with them. Diabetes, ADD, ADHD, Cancers, Heart disease and more.

And then there came Pong! The first video game was introduced! And we all know where that led to!

I don’t know if my timeline is right, but hopefully, you get the picture. We went from active kids who had very healthy eating habits to inactive kids with processed foods. What were we thinking would be the results of this?

So is childhood obesity an epidemic? I would say yes, and we’d better do something about it quick!

I have something that can help!

A Gruesome Eye Opener

One day this last week my sister, mom and I bought a bulk package of Tri-tipped roasts to share. My sister played butcher and cut off all the fat and split the roasts evenly between us. As we were packaging the roast up we decided to weigh the bowl of fat that was taken off the roasts to find out if we really saved any money doing things this way. Well that medium-sized metal mixing bowl mounded full of fat was 6 pounds!

Then it dawned on me. My sister just weighed in the day before at 37.2 pounds less. I had just lost 20.2 pounds and my mother had just lost 6 pounds. When this revelation came to me I announced that my sister has lost more than 6 times what we see in that bowl. Than she announced that I had just lost over 3 times what was in that bowl. And then my mom announced that she had lost what was in that bowl!

You should have seen the looks on our face for about 5 minutes after that, as we pondered silently about how much we still needed to lose! You can’t put a price on the experience we just had.